Ensure Capital





Ensure Capital 聲譽卓著,與備受推崇的品牌形象相符,已積累超過 1500 萬用戶。我們秉持行業最高標準,營造的交易環境不僅安全,更能讓人全然信賴。我們始終如一地追求卓越,確保每位客戶都能體驗到一流的服務,這使得我們成為全球眼光敏銳的交易者的首選。


我們的 VIP 一對一專業客服團隊,致力於為每一位客戶提供全面的支持。這些專業人士全天候在線,確保客戶在整個交易過程中都能得到悉心照料。無論是解答複雜的交易疑問、提供市場洞察,還是迅速解決問題,我們的客服人員都隨時提供協助,讓所有人的交易之旅順暢無阻。


在 Ensure Capital 上,我們深知簡單高效的重要性。交易者無需下載繁瑣的軟件,只需打開一個網頁,就能輕鬆訪問並完成數百種產品的在線交易。我們先進的交易基礎設施旨在即刻響應所有交易請求,讓投資者能毫不耽擱地把握市場機遇。


Ensure Capital 率先支持數字貨幣存款(目前限於美元)。這一特性對於實施嚴格外匯管制國家的客戶而言,無異於一次重大變革,為他們提供了極大的便利。通過提供如此靈活的選擇,我們賦予交易者權力,讓他們能夠選擇最適合自身財務狀況和交易策略的方式。


在Ensure Capital平台上,您可以學習交易見解,並與其他交易者展開討論。


公司名稱: Ensure Capital Gourp Ltd

地址: Flat/ Rm 617,6/F,Star House,No.3 Salisbury Road,Tsim Sha Tsui,KL,Hong Kong

注冊地址: Ground Floor, The Sotheby Building, Rodney Village, Rodney Bay, Gros-Islet, Saint Lucia

Registration No.: 2025-00034

Email: info@ensuremarkets.com

Tel: (+852)23616222

Web: www.ensuremarkets.com

Disclaimer: The relevant information on this official website is not intended for residents or customers of our company from the United States, Singapore, Hong Kong, North Korea, Iran and St. Lucia, who use the relevant information in the above areas to conduct transactions, or for use by anyone in this country or jurisdiction. If you use would violate local laws and regulations.

Risk warning: Margin trading carries certain risks and may not be suitable for all investors. Before deciding on a product to trade, you should carefully consider your investment objectives, experience level and risk appetite. You may lose some or all of your initial investment, so you should not invest money that you cannot afford to lose. You should understand all risks associated with trading on margin and seek advice from an independent financial adviser if you are in any doubt.

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